Konuralp GİRGİN, Doktora Tezi, Ocak 1996

Anahtar  Kelimeler: betonarme uzay çerçeveler, lineer olmayan malzeme, elastoplastik teori, plastik kesit kavramı, akma yüzeyi, ikinci mertebe teorisi, ikinci mertebe limit yük, göçme yükü

Özet: Bu  çalışmada, sabit düşey yükler ve orantılı olarak artan yatay yükler etkisindeki betonarme uzay çubuk sistemlerde ikinci mertebe limit yükün ve göçme güvenliğinin belirlenmesi amacıyla bir yük artımı yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. Betonarme çubuk elemanların lineer olmayan davranışı, bileşik iç kuvvet durumunu da içerecek şekilde genişletilen plastik kesit kavramı ile gözönüne alınmaktadır. Ayrıca, bileşik eğik eğilme durumuna ait akma yüzeyinin lineer bölgelerden oluşacak şekilde idealleştirilmesi suretiyle bu duruma ait akma koşulu denklemleri lineerleştirilmektedir. Sisteme etkiyen düşey yükler sabit olduğundan, büyük ölçüde denge denklemlerine bağlı olan çubuk normal kuvvetleri kolaylıkla tahmin edilmekte ve böylece ikinci mertebe etkilerinin lineerleştirilmesi mümkün olabilmektedir. Geliştirilen yöntemin yardımıyla, betonarme yapı sistemlerinde çoğu zaman ikinci mertebe limit  yükten daha küçük değer alan göçme yükü de hesaplanabilmektedir.


Konuralp GİRGİN, PhD Dissertation, January 1996

Keywords : reinforced concrete space frames, material non-linearity, elastic-plastic theory, plastic hinge, yield surface, second-order theory, second-order limit load, collapse load

Abstract: A method of load increments for the determination of second-order limit load and collapse safety of reinforced concrete framed space structures subjected to factored gravity loads and proportionally increasing lateral loads is developed. The non-linear behavior of reinforced concrete members is taken into account through the plastic hinge concept which covers the case of combined internal-forces. The non-linear yield conditions for biaxial bending combined with axial force are idealized by assuming the yield surface to be composed of linear regions. As the gravity loads acting on the structure are constant, the member axial forces can be easily estimated through the equilibrium equations, thus, by calculating the member stiffness and loading matrices for those axial forces, the second-order effects can be linearized. In the proposed method, the collapse load of reinforced concrete structures which is generally lower than the second-order limit load can be also determined.

Citations in international journals

1- Ozmen G., Girgin K., “Buckling lengths of multi-storey frame columns”, Structural Engineering&Mechanics, 19,1pp.55-71, 2005. [ Link ]

2- Girgin K., Ozmen G., Orakdogen, E., “Buckling lengths of irregular frame columns”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 62 pp. 605-613, 2006. [ Link ]

3- Girgin K., Ozmen G., “Simplified procedure for determining buckling loads of three-dimensional framed structures”, Engineering Structures, 29,9, pp.2344-2352, 2007. [ Link ]

4- Turker K., Irtem E., “An effective load increment method for multi modal adaptive pushover analysis of buildings", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 25, 1,  pp:53-73, 2007. [ Link

5- Cengiz E.Y., Saygun A., "Determination of collapse safety of shear wall-frame structures",Structural Engineering&Mechanics, 27, 2 pp:135-148, 2007. [ Link ]

6- Girgin K., Ozmen G., “Effective lengths of braced frames”, Structural Engineering&Mechanics, 28, 2 pp.189-206, 2008. [ Link ]

7- Yuksel E., Teymur P., "Earthquake performance improvement of low rise RC buildings using high strength clay brick walls", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 9, 4, pp. 1157-1181, 2011. [ Link ]

8- Aksoylu M.G., Girgin K.,"A load increment method for ductile reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures considering strain hardening effects", Structural Engineering&Mechanics,  Vol.38, No.2, pp.231-247, 2011. [ Link ]

9- Girgin K., Girgin Z.C., Aksoylu M.G.,"Research on the normality of the plastic strain vector to the yield surface in RC sections", Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions,  47, 7pp 1115-1130,  2014. [ Link ]

10- Koçak, A., "Earthquake performance of FRP retrofitting of short columns around band-type windows", Structural Engineering and Mechanics,  53, 1pp. 1-16, 2015. [ Link ]

Citations in international conferences

1- Ozer E. , Orakdogen E., Pala S., Girgin K., “A method of load increments for non-linear analysis of R/C space frames and application to irregular structures”, European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Asymmetric and Irregular Structures, the University of Napoli, Italy, 1996. [ Pdf ]

2- Gurgun M., Girgin K., Ozer E., “Seismic capacity evaluation of a R/C building structure strengthened after the Dinar 1995 earthquake”, Second Japan-Turkey Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, İstanbul, 1998.

3- Girgin K., Ozer E., “Non-linear behaviour and seismic safety of R/C structures”, 11th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paris, 1998. [ Pdf ]

4- Karadogan F., Aydogan M., Girgin K., Yuksel E., Ozer M.N., “Low rise R/C buildings and the current engineering problems of seismic rehabilitation”, Third European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, International Conference in Earthquake Engineering, August 26-29 2003 Skopje & Ohrid, R. Macedonia. [ Pdf ]

5- Hamutcuoglu O.M., Karadogan F., Pala S., Girgin K., "The non-linear behaviour of low rise R/C buildings with common structural deficiences", pp.412-421, Advances in Civil Engineering 2004, 6th International Conference, Boğazici University, October 6-8, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004. [ Pdf ]

6- Boduroglu M., H., Orakdogen E., Girgin K.,“Building Vulnerability Reduction by Existing Techniques and Near Fault Effects”, Proceedings of the International SPEAR Workshop, JRC, Ispra, pp. 281-292, 2005. [ Pdf ]

7- Teymur P., Pala S., Yuksel E., "Improvement of Earthquake Performance of Low Rise RC Buildings using Shotcrete Panels", 15 th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 24-28 September 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. 

Citation in international research project

1- Boduroglu M., H., Orakdogen E., Girgin K., Buyuksisli B., Binbir E., 2007 “Design Guide of Low Disturbance Upgrading Methods”, LESSLOSS, Sub-Project 2.2.b-Final Report (D106), Project No: GOCE-CT-2003-505488. [ Pdf ]

Citation in national research project

1- “Determination of collapse safety and rehabilitation of existing reinforced concrete structures”, INTAG/TOKI-532 TUBITAK, Istanbul, 1997. (in Turkish) [ Pdf ]

Citation in technical reports

1- Deprem Bölgelerindeki Mevcut Betonarme Yapıların Deprem Güvenliklerinin Belirlenmesi ve Rehabili.., TDV/TR 028-45, Ekim 1999. [ Pdf ]

2- Süneklilik Düzeyi Normal Sistemlerde Taşıyıcı Sistem Davranış Katsayısı, TDV/TR 046-81, Mart 2003. [ Pdf ]

Citations in PhD thesis

1- Ercan Yuksel, “Nonlinear Analysis of 3D Large Structures with Certain Irregularities”, ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 1998. (PhD Thesis in Turkish, Supervisor: Professor Dr. Faruk Karadogan) 

2- Beyza Taskin, “Non-linear stochastic analysis of 3D reinforced concrete shear wall-frame structures under seismic excitation”, ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 2001. ( PhD Thesis in Turkish, Supervisor: Professor Dr. Zeki Hasgur) 

3- Emel Yukselis Cengiz, “A new finite wall element model and a method of load increments for determination of collapse safety of multi story shear walled and framed structures”, ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 2004. ( PhD Thesis in Turkish, Supervisor: Professor Dr. Ahmet Saygun)

4- Kaan Turker, "Multi modal adaptive load increments method for determination of earthquake response of structures", University of Balikesir, Institute of Science, Department of Civil Engineering, Balikesir, 2005. ( PhD Thesis in Turkish, Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Erdal Irtem) 

5- Mehmet Gunhan Aksoylu, "An incremental non-linear analysis method for reinforced concrete structures considering strain-hardening effect", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 2006. ( PhD Thesis in Turkish, Supervisor: Professor Dr. Erkan Ozer) 

6- Pınar Teymur, "Retrofitting of vulnerable reinforced concrete frames with shotcrete walls", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 2009. ( PhD Thesis in English, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sumru Pala, Co-Supervisor : Assist. Prof. Dr. Ercan Yuksel) 

7- Yunus Emre Sayan, "A successive approximation method for the optimum design of reinforced concrete space frame structures according to the second order limit load", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 2012. ( PhD Thesis in Turkish, Supervisor: Professor Dr. Engin Orakdogen) 

8- Yavuz Durgun, "An algorithm based on incremental analysis to evaluate performance and retrofit with viscous dampers of existing reinforced conrete structures", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 2013. ( PhD Thesis in Turkish, Supervisor: Professor Dr. Erkan Ozer) 

9- Onur Avcioglu, "Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures on two-parameter soil model and visual computer software", ITU Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul, 2015. ( PhD Thesis in Turkish, Supervisor: Professor Dr. Engin Orakdogen) 

Citations in Google Scholar

Link1   ,  Link2

Citation in a Report (Earthquake Master Plan for Istanbul)

EARTHQUAKE MASTER PLAN FOR ISTANBUL, Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul Planning and Construction Directoriat Geotechnical and Earthquake Investigation Department, Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University, Middle East Technical University, Yildiz Technical University, July 7, 2003. [ Link ]